Map 13 ~ Mt. Wantastiquet Region

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Many kinds of water craft share the river here with swimmers and fishermen. To avoid conflicts, motor boats must reduce speed to headway travel within 150’ of another boat, swimmer, island, or other obstruction, and canoeists should use the side of the river. Fishermen appreciate it when jetskis give them a wide berth. The river is too narrow for legal use of personal watercraft above the Route 9 Bridge.

Marine Patrol: Toll Free in NH (1-877-642-9700) or 603-293-2037.

Water skiers should confine their rides to places where the river is wide enough to allow the boat to turn without approaching too close to shore. Boaters should watch for scuba divers around bridges.

Be sure you park your vehicle where it will not interfere with private property. For boating services, check the marinas at Hinsdale and at the mouth of the West River.

Retreat Meadows, at the mouth of the West River, is a valuable wetland and stopover habitat for migrating birds. The mainstem near Vernon Dam is perhaps the best place on the northern half of the river to see waterfowl in winter, and is also a favorite fishing spot for bald eagles. The mainstem has become a warmwater fishery here due to the dam, and features walleye, bass, shad, and perch.

Vernon Dam, constructed in 1909, has since been fitted to allow migrating fish to pass around the dam to reach their spawning waters upstream. The fish ladder ushers thousands of American shad upstream each year; the run peaks in early June. Since the addition of downstream passage in recent years, fish have been observed going down the chute, holding below the dam, and going back up the ladder for another ride. Plan on a stop at USGen New England 's fish ladder and viewing gallery.

Information on current and projected flows at Connecticut River mainstem dams is available through TransCanada Hydro Northeast.

This is the last map in the series. For further information, and details on the Lower Connecticut River, we recommend the Complete Boating Guide to the Connecticut River published by the Connecticut River Watershed Council (call 413-772-2020).

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