Riverwide Speaker Series

Join our members and interested watershed residents for a series of events to learn more about our Connecticut River – its history, science, natural resources, art, economy, culture, and future.

See current and past events, including resources, below.

Stay Tuned for News about Future Virtual Events


Some videos available through the CRJC YouTube plus additional resources below.

2024 Series

Floodplain Management and the Connecticut River (YouTube Available)

CRJC Training for Members (YouTube Available)

Nitrogen Pollution and the Connecticut River (YouTube Available, Resources below)

2022 Series

Recreation Economy and Our Local River Economies (YouTube Available, Resources below)

Engineering with Nature (YouTube Available, Resources below)

Native American History and Current Experiences (Resources below)

Human & Beaver Dams: When and How to Remove (YouTube Available)

2021 Series

River Paths for Wildlife 

Future of Invasive Species Management  (YouTube Available)

A History of the Connecticut River 

Water Quality & Green Infrastructure

Additional Resources from…

Nitrogen Pollutions and the Connecticut River

Recreation Economy and Our Local River Economies

Wealth Works Value Chain Model https://www.wealthworks.org/

UNH Extension Resources

Engineering with Nature

New England Stormwater Retrofit Manual: https://snepnetwork.org/stormwater-retrofit-manual/

Encouraged to distribute this easy 2-page Handout:  https://snepnetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Intro-to-New-England-Stormwater-Retrofit-Manual-and-SCM-Performance-Curves.pdf

Native American History and Current Experiences

History of the Catholic Missions Among the Indian Tribes of the Unites States 1599-1854. By John Gilman Shea, New York, 1854

The Abnakis and Their History or Historical Notices on the Aborigines of Acadia. By Rev. Eugene Vetromile, New York, 1866

Notes on a Lost Flute: A Field Guide to the Wabanaki. By Kerry Hardy, 2009

Our Beloved Kin: A New History of King Philips War. By Lisa Brooks, 2019. Also the author of The Common Pot: The recovers of Native Space in the Northeast

Indigenous NH Collaborative Initiative https://indigenousnh.com/

Short Film – Swimming Upstream: Indigenous Environmental Justice for Our Waterways. https://indigenousnh.com/2022/03/15/a-film-collaboration-for-indigenous-environmental-justice%ef%bf%bc/

Vernon, Bellows Falls, and Wilder dam relicensing. Follow updates on dam relicensing – https://ferconline.ferc.gov/FERCOnline.aspx

View other presentations to CRJC about the dam relicensing  given by Great River Hydro and Connecticut River Conservancy https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1_iuiKHKJqLn5isAsjiTfQ

Cultural Heritage Story Map https://www.arcgis.com/apps/MapJournal/index.html?appid=693c9b595c5847cfb07d100935e423ef

Story Map – From the Fragments on The Great Bay Archaeological Survey https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/99912daebd734c47a54ce51e671685e7