Bi-State Discussions

Stay Tuned for More Bi-State Discussions

Discussion History

2024 – Making Room: Land Use and Resilience

2024 – The Farm Bill and the Connecticut River Watershed of VT and NH

2023 – Making Room: Planning for Those Who are Here & Those on Their Way to the Connecticut River Valley

Collectively the program reached roughly 400 participants.

This 2023 program was in collaboration with Antioch University New England, NOAA, the Upper Valley Adaptation Workgroup, and the City of Keene.

The Connecticut River Joint Commissions invites you to participate in a discussion about planning for climate migration. This series is planned for the bi-state Connecticut River Valley (CRV) region in NH and VT.

There’s good reason to believe the CRV will be increasingly attractive to those who want to move away from coastal flooding and storms, wildfires and smoke, and the scarcity of fresh water elsewhere. These discussions will examine the local planning and decision-making necessary to encourage needed homes and direct them to places best suited to protect the CRV’s resources and resilience for generations to come. This event will also grapple with how to plan for accommodating both new and current residents, when we are already struggling with a housing crisis.


Propublica Climate Migration Map – Overview of national trends that will cause future climate migration 

Identifying Planning Solutions for the Connecticut River Migration System of NH and VT – Report containing suggested planning strategies for CRV climate migration strategies, though many apply to any community expecting an influx of migrants.  See pg 28 for housing specific strategies.

Climate Resilience Screening Index – Rates communities climate resilience based on economic, governmental, environmental and societal metrics 

For more information, contact Renee Theall, 603.448.1680,