River Corridor Management Plan

The Connecticut River Corridor Management Plan was adopted and published in 1997. Prepared under the auspices of the New Hampshire Rivers Management and Protection Act, RSA 483, following five years of citizen- based planning along the river in NH and VT, this plan guides the management and protection of the Connecticut River’s unique assets and resources. Copies are available for review in local libraries and town offices – these have also been scanned and are available for download (see links below).

Volume I: Riverwide Overview. Covers river issues and recommendations by the CRJC, based on the findings of the five local river subcommittees. Includes summaries of each of the five local river subcommittees’ volumes (Volumes II-VI), and extensive appendices. View this publication online.

To download the original 1997 documents scanned into PDF format, please click on the links below (be aware that some files are quite large!):