Publications and Resources

CRJC works hard to provide the public and local, regional, state and federal decision-makers with information about the Connecticut River and its watershed.

As required by the New Hampshire Rivers Management and Protection Act, RSA 483, CRJC and its Local River Subcommittees developed a Connecticut River Corridor Management Plan in 1997  and undertakes periodic updates of that plan. Click on the links below to read:

In addition to reports, CRJC has published two books about the Connecticut River: Where the Great River Rises and Proud to Live Here. These are both available for purchase. Many of our publications and information resources are available online through the website, although older publications may be available only in hard-copy.

Boating Map

LIVING WITH THE RIVER series of publications by the Connecticut River Joint Commissions:

Riparian Buffers for the Connecticut River Valley, 2018 Update. A new brochure on Riparian Buffers published by the Connecticut River Joint Commissions with the support of the NH Charitable Foundation. Also, a fact sheet on the importance of Riparian Buffers has been produced

A series of fact sheets focusing on buffer designs and management for a variety of land uses, including residential, agricultural, forestland buffers, and urban buffers. Also offered are information for communities on planning for buffers; guidance on planting and establishing buffers, with a detailed native plant list; a handy field assessment sheet; and sources of assistance for both land protection and technical assistance. View this information online.

The Challenge of Erosion in the Connecticut River Watershed, 1996, revised 1998. A series of informational fact sheets on riverbanks and buffers summarize the findings of a year-long multi- agency investigation into riverbank erosion. Written for the riverfront landowner or interested citizen, they cover river dynamics and the many causes of erosion, riparian buffers, streambank stabilization techniques, field assessment of problem sites, and a guide to permitting requirements on each side of the river. View the publication online.

Prioritizing Erosion Sites for Restoration, 2002. Reports on the process developed by CRJC for determining when and where to apply public funds to the restoration of erosion sites, and describes the three top priority riverbank restorations undertaken in 2001-2. Includes sheet on evaluating erosion sites.

Instream Flow Uses, Values, and Policies in the Upper Connecticut River Watershed, Kathy Fallon Lambert, 1998. This analysis of current federal and state policies and river uses makes a number of recommendations for various agencies and organizations concerned with river management. Oriented toward a professional audience. Includes extensive information relating to instream features. Produced for the Connecticut River Joint Commissions with funding from the Environmental Protection Agency. Web version in preparation.

The Watershed Guide to Cleaner Rivers, Lakes, and Streams, Brian Kent, 1995. Liberally illustrated, this guide describes the causes of nonpoint pollution, suggests ways to reduce and prevent it from reaching waterways, and provides basic ideas that citizens can use to help improve water quality in the valley. The report covers a number of best management practices for construction sites, developed areas, backyards, septic systems, gravel and sandpits, marinas, farms, golf courses, woodlots, and storage of hazardous materials, and includes a useful directory.

A Citizen’s Guide to River Monitoring in the Connecticut River Valley, Geoff Dates, River Watch Network, 1995. This user-friendly guide is intended to help people establish long-term, community-based, and scientifically credible river monitoring programs in the valley.

Connecticut River Historic Sites Database, in preparation by Inherit NH for the CRJC. Computerized database of some 2800 historic sites in 27 riverfront communities from the MA border north to Orford and Fairlee. Click here to view this database.

A Homeowner’s Guide to Water Quality Protection in the Connecticut River Valley, 2018. This booklet offers useful hints for homeowners on managing runoff, caring for septic systems, conserving water, and dealing with yard waste, bugs, and chemicals. It also offers alternatives for toxic household products and a directory of sources of help. See the brochure here.

Connecticut River Valley: Opening New Markets for Agriculture, Conference Proceedings and Recommendations, 1994. This report reviews a valley-wide conference sponsored by the CRJC and presents dozens of recommendations dealing with financing, market regulations, government support, processing and distribution, agri-tourism, cooperatives and contract marketing, and community supported agriculture. Farmland trends taken from supporting research papers are also summarized.

Along the Northern Connecticut River: An Inventory of Significant Instream Features, 1994. This inventory contains the available information relating to in-stream features of the Connecticut River mainstem for both sides of the river. It covers water quality features, such as the location of water quality and streamflow gauging stations, water withdrawals, and wastewater treatment facilities; river flow and riverbank features, such as dams, impoundments, and significant streambank erosion sites; and recreational features, such as whitewater segments, boat launch sites and campgrounds. Information is presented by local river subcommittee region both in tables and on GIS-based maps. An extensive annotated bibliography covers both technical publications and those focusing on Connecticut River history and travel. The inventory is also provided on a computer disk in the front of the notebook for easy reference. Designed to be user- friendly, it can be run on a personal computer using MS-DOS. The appendix includes instructions on how to operate the disk. Copies of this limited printing have been provided to each regional planning commission in the upper watershed, and to each riverfront town. No further copies are available.

Findings to Support Classification of Segments of the Connecticut River, NH Connecticut River Valley Resource Commission (of the CRJC), 1991. These findings, prepared with the help of citizens along the length of the river, nominated 34 specific segments of the river in several categories for classification and instream protection through the NH Rivers Management and Protection Program.

Connecticut Valley Inventory, Vols. I and II, NH Connecticut River Valley Resource Commission (of the CRJC), 1989. Written in non-technical language, these two volumes are a source of basic information about the river and the NH side. Volume I covers corridor character, protected parcels, surface water quality, public access, boating suitability, fisheries, and endangered species. Volume II covers flood hazard areas and impoundments, aquifers, historic and archeological resources, and wildlife.

The Connecticut River: Agenda for the Year 2000, NH Connecticut River Valley Resource Commission and VT Connecticut River Watershed Advisory Commission, 1989. This report is the conference proceedings of the “Bridges for Tomorrow” conference held jointly by the two state commissions. It includes visions in the areas of land use, water quality, aesthetics, economic development, and recreation. The report includes a description of the resource, watershed map, and strategies for the future.

VNRC “Reading Vermont’s Rivers” Series Vermont Natural Resource Council (VNRC) has printed and distributed Reading Vermont’s Rivers document (see the publication here:, These articles are now available to news outlets and other organizations across the state to publish them as a series or individually.  These are available for organization’s newsletters, websites etc.  Please be sure to credit the authors and VNRC. For additional information about the series contact: Kim L. Greenwood, CPESC, Water Program Director and Staff Scientist – Phone: (802) 223-2328 ext. 119

Watershed Approach Handbook: Improving Outcomes and Increasing Benefits Associated with Wetland and Stream Restoration Projects advances the use of a watershed approach in the selection, design and siting of wetland and stream restoration and protection projects, including projects required by compensatory mitigation. The handbook, jointly developed by ELI and The Nature Conservancy, demonstrates how using a watershed approach can help ensure that these projects also contribute to goals of improved water quality, increased flood mitigation, improved quality and quantity of habitat, and increases in other services and benefits. It provides an overall framework for the spectrum of watershed approaches, examples of specific types of these approaches, examples of types of analyses that may be useful for using one, and a list of national data sources that might inform all of the above. It also provides some guidance and lessons learned about considerations when developing wetland and stream protection and restoration projects. watershed-approach-handbook.