Pettes-Journal Block

Pettes-Journal Block

Site: V09-19
Municipality: Windsor, VT
Location: 60 Main Street
Site Type: Commercial


Pettes-Journal Block, Main Street, 1824, Federal style. The location of the Pettes-Journal Block is indicative of the early 19th century shift away from the original village center (Court Square) toward the increasingly significant transportation and trade routes - Main St., the Connecticut River, and later, the railroad. A variety of businesses have occupied this Federal style building which was erected by Frederick Pettes, including a stationery store and jewelry store. Simeon Ide published the Vermont Republican and Journal, a consolidation of Spooner's Vermont Journal and the Vermont Republican, from the upper story offices in the building. Step inside to see the vault installed in 1913 when the building was remodeled to accommodate the State National Bank.
(Source 49)

Pettes-Journal Block (Vermont National Bank). Federal style, 1824. Erected by Frederick Pettes, this narrow, gable-roofed, 3-1/2 story, brick structure with a front gable elevation is dominated on the front and rear elevations by raking parapets symmetrically crowned on the ridge by a pair of interior chimney stacks. On the front (east) and north side elevations, three and seven bays across, respectively, the second and third story windows are set into recessed, rectangular wall panels one bay wide and two stories high. The first story windows on the north side elevation are recessed within elliptically-arched wall panels as is the window on the front gable flanked on either side by quarter-round panels. The Colonial Revival style storefront was added in 1913. In 1829 Simeon Ide, editor of the Vermont Journal, moved the newspaper from the Old Constitution House (78) to the building.
(Source 127)

Pettes-Journal Block. Date built: 1824.
DESCRIPTION: 3-1/2-story, brick, Federal style commercial block with a front gable elevation and symmetrically paired interior chimneys and parapets on the front and rear gable elevations. The building was erected by Frederick Pettes. In 1829, Simeon Ide moved the Vermont Journal from the Old Constitution House into the building where it was consolidated as the Vermont Republican & Journal. The building was remodelled in 1913.
(Source 130)