Philip Read Memorial Public Library

Philip Read Memorial Public Library

Site: N09-60
Municipality: Plainfield, NH
Location: Route 12A
Site Type: Library.



The library is on the west side of Main Street (Route 12A) at Plainfield Village, nearly opposite the junction of Daniels Road. It was constructed in 1921 on a lot 100 by 100 feet.(42) This red brick structure represents the Colonial Revival style. It features a central pavilion with simple fluted pilasters, a lunette window, and transom lights. A modillioned cornice is present in the pediment of the central pavilion. A central red brick chimney tops the slate-covered tripped roof. Cement lintels adorn the large nine over one windows.(43) The front portico was made by Ned Waite.(44) Harold Hoisington, a local blacksmith, installed the iron railing. According to Librarian Nancy Norwalk, no floor plans or drawings of this building have been discovered. The main room features natural finished woodwork and hardwood floors. Its entryway is framed by classic pilasters with simple capitals. Stylized palmetto leaves form the motif for the painted tin ceiling with deep cove moldings. Also featured is a fireplace. Its mantlepiece is composed of three tiers of red brick topped by a final tier of cement. A bronze memorial plaque is mounted on the wall above the fireplace. (See Chapter 21, Town Services.)
(Source 165:396)