Fuller House

Fuller House

Site: N09-38
Municipality: Plainfield, NH
Location: Route 12A
Site Type: House.



At 78 m. is (L) the Fuller House, a low cement Italian villa with brick piers at the entrance to the grounds. This was the summer home of Henry Brown Fuller and his wife, Lucia Fairchild Fuller, a miniature painter.
(Source 2:372)

They married in 1893 and came to the Cornish-Plainfield area in 1897 with their two children, Clara and Charles. They purchased the Solomon Stone house on Route 12A in Plainfield. They soon renovated the house, which was built around three sides of a courtyard with a pillared portico facing the court. The house was almost completely destroyed by fire in 1899 so the Fullers decided to rebuild only the main part of the house and to leave the pillars from the former portico standing. Eventually they had a twelve by twenty-eight foot swimming pool dug and added it on to the courtyard at a cost of $200; then they had a wall that incorporated the pillars constructed on all four sides of the courtyard.(11)
(Source 156:207)