Civil War soldier statue on Common

Civil War soldier statue on Common

Site: N08-20
Municipality: Cornish, NH
Location: Route 120 at Cornish Stage Road, Cornish Flat
Site Type: Public Art.



The town warrant of February 22, 1889, for the meeting to be holden on March 12 following, contained the following article: "To see what action the town will take in relation to a soldiers' monument, and raise money therefor."

The same article in substance had appeared in previous warrants, but had been set aside through the indifference and opposition of a majority of the town. A goodly number of the minority, however, were in hearty sympathy with the project, and were intent that something should be done. Prominent among these were Joseph B. Comings, Hiram A. Day and William H. Sisson, the latter a soldier of the Rebellion, and the other two, fathers who had each given to their country's cause, a son who had been buried in graves far from kindred and home.

These men continued to agitate the subject, making investigation as to resources, etc., and received such measures of encouragement as to induce them to cause the above article to be again inserted in the warrant. At this meeting the article obtained a favorable hearing, and the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars was voted by the town for the purpose, and a committee of three men was chosen to take the matter in charge secure further pledges, obtain a suitable design, and make a contract for the construction and erection of the monument. The doings of this committee appear in their report in the town report of March 13, 1890, which is as follows: "Your committee appointed to raise funds and take charge of all things pertaining to a soldiers' monument, would report as follows: Having a sufficient sum pledged outside of the 'Soldiers' Aid Society' money, and the amount voted by the town which in our opinion warranted the making a contract, due after receiving and carefully considering the proposals and designs of bronze, marble and granite companies, decided to accept the proposals of the Sunapee Granite Co. to erect a monument made of cut granite according to a design furnished by us, to be surmounted by a statue of a soldier at 'Parade Rest,' said statue to be cut from granite and to be six feet in height above base, model furnished by them. The name, company and regiment of all the soldiers who died in 'The War of the Rebellion,' who were counted on the quota of the town, to be inscribed on the polished die, and a suitable inscription on the base, and contracted with said company to furnish the monument complete above the foundation for $900.00. The foundation was furnished by the committee, the labor and all expense of said foundation, except the cement used were furnished by contribution. After considering the different places proposed for location, we decided to accept a plot of ground sixteen feet square and approaches thereto offered by the Baptist Church and Society in the south end of their park on Cornish Flat, and a lease was taken of said plot in the name of the town for ninety-nine years.

"We would at this time acknowledge the obligations we are under to Hon. William M. Evarts of New York, who so generously contributed toward the expense; and to C. C. Beaman, Esq, of New York, who so kindly furnished the design (except the statue), for the monument, and contributed largely towards the expense, and to both of them and their friends for their valuable advice and suggestions in regard to material, plans and location, and to the citizens generally who have given of their time and money so liberally, and helped your committee make the monument a success."
(Source 169:236)