George H. Stowell Free Library

George H. Stowell Free Library

Site: N08-117
Municipality: Cornish, NH
Location: School Street, Cornish Flat
Site Type: Library.



During the season of 1909, Hon. Geo. H. Stowell of Claremont, who was a native of Cornish, made known his intentions of erecting a valuable library building in his native town and, when completed, of presenting the same to the town under the name of "Stowell Free Public Library."
Mr. Stowell's preference for a site for said building favored Cornish Flat, as it was the center of his activities when young. He is proposing to expend the sum of six thousand dollars on said building and its furniture.
The town unanimously voted (March 8, 1910) to accept the proposed legacy, and to furnish a site whereon to build; and the work began in early spring and was carried on during the season, and, excepting the interior, was nearly completed before the close of the year 1910, the date this record closes.
(Source 169:243)