Ebenezer Skinner House

Ebenezer Skinner House

Site: N07-166
Municipality: Claremont, NH
Location: Old Church Road, West Claremont
Site Type: House.



This house, at least 202 years old, is on land granted to Josiah Willard, Esq., an original grantee of Claremont in 1764. In 1787, Mr. Willard owned 4,800 acres of land in Claremont! The property was purchased in 1767 by Ebenezer Skinner, who sold the "Tract of land with a Mantion House standing on the premises" to Lemuel Hubbard in 1774. Thus, Mr. Skinner probably built the house. In 1780, Sanford Kingsbury purchased the farm for "Five Hundred Spanish Mill'd Dollars."

Later owners were: (1833) Sanford Kingsbury, Jr., and Charles Kingsbury; (1837) Charles Kingsbury; (1838) Cynthia Grandy; (1873) Dennis Dailey; (1920) Harry and Elizabeth Williams. Now owned by Mr. and Mrs. Grafton E. Magill, who purchased it from the estate of Elizabeth Williams in 1946.
(Source 108)