Benedick Roys House

Benedick Roys House

Site: N07-159
Municipality: Claremont, NH
Location: 297 Clay Hill Road, West Claremont
Site Type: House



Right and somewhat back from the highway is the John Tyler Place (not open), the oldest house in Claremont; black with time, it was built by Benedick Roys on Town Hill in 1770. In the winter of 1807 it was moved on bob-sleds, down the hill and across the Sugar River to its present site. It was then sold to John Tyler, in whose family it still remains.
(Source 2:433) This dwelling is the first frame house in Claremont, all earlier houses being log cabins. It was built by Benedick Roys about 1766. He died at the age of 35 in 1769, and his gravestone is the oldest in town. In fact, no record exists of a death in Claremont prior to that of Mr. Roys.

The house originally stood on the east side of the road now Route 12-A, opposite the present Upham estate. In 1807, Benjamin Grandy (died 1828) moved the house to its present location. Nothing is known of Mr. Roys and Mr. Grandy, but they were probably farmers.

Benjamin Tyler the younger (1771-1826), who operated mills on the site of the present Coy Paper Company, bought the house from Mr. Grandy. It was in the Tyler family until 1954, when it was purchased by William and Nell Bateman, the present owners.
(Source 108)