Organization Documents and Policies

Strategic Focus 2020 


CRJC Meeting Schedule

Joint Commissions Meetings are held quarterly on the third Monday of  September, December, March and June. Executive Committee Meetings are held on the third Monday of January, April, May, August, and October. When meeting dates fall on a Federal Holiday, the meeting will take place on the following Monday. Consult the calendar for dates, times, and locations.

Organization Documents and Policies

CRJC Bylaws

Conflict of Interest Policy

Internal Control Procedures

Local Issue Involvement Policy

Local River Subcommittee New Member Description and Form

NH Connecticut River Valley Resource Commission Enabling Legislation & Bylaws

VT Connecticut River Watershed Advisory Commission Enabling Legislation & Bylaws

NH Right-to-Know Law RSA 91A & Guide to NH Right-to-Know

VT Guide to Public Records 2014

VT Guide to Open Meetings 2016