About CRJC

Twin Commissions from the Twin States

New Hampshire’s Connecticut River Valley Resource Commission, created by the legislature in 1987, and Vermont’s Connecticut River Watershed Advisory Commission, similarly created in 1988, were directed to cooperate with each other to preserve and protect the resources of the Connecticut River Valley, and to guide its growth and development. They have met together as the Joint Commissions since 1989.

Both Commissions are advisory and have no regulatory powers, preferring instead to advocate and ensure public involvement in decisions which affect their river and their valley.

Connecticut River

Bridging Boundaries To Bring People Together

By engaging local leadership and initiative, and focusing resources to benefit the River and the people of its Valley, the CRJC have worked to:

  • create a citizens’ river corridor plan
  • improve water quality
  • understand and stem shoreline erosion
  • provide grants for river-oriented projects
  • create a Connecticut River Byway
  • strengthen markets for Valley agriculture
  • describe the cultural heritage of the Valley
  • form a water flow policy
  • negotiate new terms for hydro dams
  • win American Heritage River designation
  • bring information and issues to the public