Giving Voice to New England’s Great River

DSCN1825-2.jpgWelcome to the website of the Connecticut River Joint Commissions.

Here you will find information about the CRJC, the Connecticut River, and the challenges we face in protecting it. CRJC’s mission is to preserve and protect the visual and ecological integrity and sustainable working landscape of the Connecticut River Valley, and to guide its growth and development through grassroots leadership.

The Connecticut River Valley of Vermont and New Hampshire is home to a remarkable partnership among the governments in the two states, businesses, farmers, conservationists, and other citizens from many walks of life. Working together through the Connecticut River Joint Commissions, they seek to build a strong and vibrant economy while conserving the natural wealth and beauty of this special place.

CRJC recently completed a Strategic Plan – Focus 2020 with the assistance of the NH Charitable Foundation.  A copy of that document is available for review or download here.